* Simple, easy to use app for phones and tablets
* Effective DIY / Self-administered EMDR
* Used and recommended by EMDR therapists
* Adjustable session duration and speed
* Multiple session themes to choose from or create your own
* Optional countdown timer can be shown during session
* No ads or in-app purchases
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Designed to help people heal from traumatic or distressing memories, EMDR has helped many people suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety, and everyday stress.
OpenEMDR was created to allow people to explore the benefits of EMDR therapy on their own, and determine if EMDR therapy is right for them. This tool is not a replacement for professional therapy, and users are encouraged to consult with a trained therapist to get the full benefit of EMDR.
* Sederhana, aplikasi yang mudah digunakan untuk ponsel dan tablet
* Efektif DIY / EMDR yang dikelola sendiri
* Digunakan dan direkomendasikan oleh terapis EMDR
* Durasi dan kecepatan sesi yang dapat disesuaikan
* Beberapa tema sesi untuk dipilih atau buat tema Anda sendiri
* Penghitung waktu mundur opsional dapat ditampilkan selama sesi
* Tidak ada iklan atau pembelian dalam aplikasi
EMDR adalah singkatan dari Eye Movement Desensitization and Processing. Dirancang untuk membantu orang sembuh dari kenangan traumatis atau menyedihkan, EMDR telah membantu banyak orang yang menderita PTSD, depresi, kecemasan, dan stres sehari-hari.
OpenEMDR dibuat untuk memungkinkan orang untuk mengeksplorasi manfaat terapi EMDR sendiri, dan menentukan apakah terapi EMDR tepat untuk mereka. Alat ini bukan pengganti terapi profesional, dan pengguna dianjurkan untuk berkonsultasi dengan terapis terlatih untuk mendapatkan manfaat penuh dari EMDR.
* Simple, easy to use app for phones and tablets
* Effective DIY / Self-administered EMDR
* Used and recommended by EMDR therapists
* Adjustable session duration and speed
* Multiple session themes to choose from or create your own
* Optional countdown timer can be shown during session
* No ads or in-app purchases
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Designed to help people heal from traumatic or distressing memories, EMDR has helped many people suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety, and everyday stress.
OpenEMDR was created to allow people to explore the benefits of EMDR therapy on their own, and determine if EMDR therapy is right for them. This tool is not a replacement for professional therapy, and users are encouraged to consult with a trained therapist to get the full benefit of EMDR.